A positive, values-driven organizational culture will help any organization accomplish more of what it sets out to do.  If the most basic definition of a group culture is how people work together to get things done, then one that facilitates encourages and celebrates people working to their highest ideals will get more done at a higher level of quality.

Culture is the glue that binds employees together as an organizational force.
Much more important than any policy and procedure manual, it frames the answer to a powerful question, “How do we want to be together?” We want to create a life-affirming, positive, mutually supportive organization, a workplace that allows everyone—CEO, manager, director, employee, program participant, and family members, regulators, vendors, and consultants—to work together toward common goals.  The task is not an easy one, it takes constant attention and vigilance.  But it’s worth it.

How We Can Help
Cherry Hill Consulting Group works with you and your staff in completing a cultural assessment reflecting the current philosophy, principles, and practices of a person-centered organization—for staff as well as those who are served. 

The Cherry Hill Consulting team also provides leadership in introducing or strengthening the principles of our “How Do We Want To Be Together” series. We work with you in identifying those things that may be faltering in your organization so that they might be better maintained, as well as identifying those things that aren’t working and need to be acted upon.